President Paudel Extends Best Wishes on National Children's Day

Published 2023 Sep 15 Friday

Kathmandu: President Ramchandra Paudel has conveyed his warmest wishes to all Nepali children and their guardians on the occasion of National Children's Day.

In his message of goodwill today, President Paudel highlighted that Nepal celebrates this day as a testament to its commitment to upholding the rights of children. He emphasized that the country's constitution has enshrined these rights as fundamental, ensuring that children are accorded their rightful place in society.

Moreover, President Paudel drew attention to the Child Rights Act of 2075, urging all three tiers of government to actively enforce the legal and constitutional provisions concerning children's rights.

President Paudel also expressed the view that various stakeholders, including schools, civil society organizations, human rights advocates, governmental bodies, and non-governmental organizations, have a role to play in ensuring the protection and fulfillment of children's rights.

National Children's Day serves as a reminder of Nepal's commitment to safeguarding the rights and well-being of its younger generation, and President Paudel's message underscores the importance of collective efforts in realizing this goal.
